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The Lincoln Village Council met on Monday, Jan. 6 at 7 p.m. at the village hall. The meeting opened with the "Pledge of Allegiance." Treasurer Mahalak swore in newly elected member Dorene Schick. Those in attendance included president Phillips; treasurer Mahalak; clerk Somers; and council members, Durham, Lucas, Schick, Skuse and Wambold. Member Potts was absent.

The minutes of the December meeting were approved on a motion from Durham with support from Wambold. The treasurer’s report was approved, subject to audit, on a motion from Schick with support from Wambold. The bills were approved for payment on a motion from Wambold with support from Skuse.

The parks and recreation report was given and a discussion followed. President Phillips stated that we need to decide if we are going to continue the bottle and can collections for the Friends of the Playground. Currently, no one has offered to spearhead the effort so a final decision will be announced at the February meeting.

A survey is being put together by NEMCOG. It will be used to help address issues that may be of concern when a public hearing is held to update our master and parks and recreation plans in the future. New zoning administrator Durham has been going over paperwork and is working on getting letters sent out to property owners that are in violation of village ordinances.

Nathan Walker gave the fire department report. There were 32 medical calls and two fire calls in the past month. There have been several FD members that were fitted for new gear. He stated that he hopes to have a new company come in and do a demonstration on new equipment. Next week the FD meeting will be held at the EMS station.

Gary Graves gave the maintenance report. So far the equipment has been working very well. He asked about starting a group to work with decorating for the various seasons and purchasing more decorations. We will look into it at during our budget workshop. No sewer report was given.

President Phillips will be in contact with someone regarding the speed limit study for Traverse Bay Road.

A discussion was held about the fiduciary account that covers the recreational playground account. This account holds the deposited funds for the pop bottle returns and picket sales for the playground. A motion was made by Schick, with support Skuse, from to allow the collected money from the bottle drive and picket sales to continue to be deposited into the recreational playground account and bills can continue to be paid as expenses occur. Carried.

A resolution was received from Consumers Energy to allow them to put in a new light at the area of the charging station. A motion was made by Skuse with support from Durham to adopt the resolution. Carried. The Resolution follows: Resolution Resolved, that it is hereby deemed advisable to authorize Consumers Energy Company to make changes to the lighting service as provided in the standard lighting contract between the company and the Village of Lincoln dated November 9, 2018, in accordance with the authorization for change in the standard lighting contract dated January 6, 2025.

Heretofore submitted to and considered by this council and resolved, further, that the Village of Lincoln clerk be and are authorized to execute such authorization for change on behalf of the village.

State of Michigan County of Alcona

I, Linda K. Somers, clerk of the Village of Lincoln do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at the council meeting held on January 6, 2025. Dated January 6, 2025.

Linda K. Somers

President Phillips has been working on a document for Title VI and stated that we need answer some questions that pertain to the employees of the village. An informal survey was conducted of our employees with regard to whether they have had encounters with Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals in the performance of their job functions and found that there haven’t been any encounters with any LEP individuals.

President Phillips will continue to work on the document for Title VI and present it at the next meeting. A motion to adjourn was made by Schick with support from Wambold. Carried.

Linda K. Somers

Village ClerkK



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