Buying standing timber, minimum five acres. Cole Forest Products (989) 736-8928.



Central Boiler Certified Classic Edge outdoor furnaces. Exceptional performance and value. Call today! Gauthier Heating & Cooling (989) 471-2478.



Mikado Goodfellows Bingo every Monday 6:30 p.m. at Mikado Civic Center.. Hot ball, Bingo ball, milk money and winner take all game. All proceeds to charity.


Alcona County Board of Commissioners is seeking applicants for the full-time position of Para Legal/Legal Assistant within the Prosecutor’s Office. General knowledge of the duties, responsibilities and workings of the office and criminal justice system required. Completion of secondary education (2-year minimum), plus 1 year of related experience preferred. Benefits included. Applications and a job description are available at the Alcona County Clerk’s office, County Building, 106 5th Street, P.O. Box 308, Harrisville, MI 48740, Indeed and alconacountymi.com. Application deadline is 4 p.m. on Friday, July 5, 2024.


$$$ Paying top dollar $$$ for your junk and unwanted vehicles. Please call Chris (989)590-7782.




Notice of Mortgage

Foreclosure Sale

(Alcona County)

Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Alcona County, starting promptly at 10 a.m. on July 10, 2024.

The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information.

Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain Mortgage made by Daniel F. Gonzalez and Denise R. Gonzalez, husband and wife, to NPB Mortgage LLC, dated June 17, 2004, and recorded on June 28, 2004, in book 402, page 1,428, document number 200400002857, Alcona County records, Michigan. Said mortgage was lastly assigned to and is now held by Northpointe Bank, a Michigan banking corporation by assignment of mortgage recorded on August 29, 2019, Liber 553, page 771, instrument number 201900002863, Alcona County records, Michigan.

Said mortgage was amended, supplemented and extended by the loan modification agreement (mortgage) made by Daniel F. Gonzalez and Denise R. Gonzalez, husband and wife, to Northpointe Bank, dated February 11, 2022, and recorded on March 25, 2022, in book: NA, Page: NA, document number 202200001152, Alcona County Records, Michigan. The sum claimed to be due and owing on said mortgage as of the date of this notice is $136,162.72 with interest accruing at $24.8189 per diem. The mortgagee will apply the sales proceeds to the debt secured by the mortgage as stated above, plus interest on the amount due at a rate of interest equal to 7.9500 percent per annum; all legal costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees allowed by law; and also any amount paid by the mortgagee to protect its interest in the property.

The properties to be sold at foreclosure are all that real estate situated in the Township of Mikado, County of Alcona, State of Michigan, described as follows:

Parcel 7: A part of the west 1/2 of Section 24,T25N, R8E, Being more particularly described as beginning at a point distant north 02 degrees, 46 minutes, 06 seconds east 1,326.04 feet and north 87 degrees, 17 minutes, 35 seconds west 1200.00 feet from the south 1/4 corner of said Section 24; thence north 32 degrees, 01 minutes, 44 seconds west 287.87 feet; thence north 37 degrees, 17 minutes, 48 seconds east 411.15; thence 78.37 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, radius 581.98 feet, Central angle 7 degrees, 42 minutes, 58 seconds, chord bears south 37 degrees, 34 minutes, 00 seconds east 78.32 feet; thence south 41 degrees, 26 minutes, 00 seconds, south 41 degrees, 26 minutes, 00 seconds east 100.00 feet; thence south 25 degrees, 51 minutes, 33 seconds west 482.37 feet to the point of beginning.

Tax Parcel ID No. 091-024-300-055-00. Commonly known as: 2649 Wildwood Trail, Mikado, Mich. 48745. The redemption period shall be six months from the date of sale pursuant to M.C.L. §600.3240(8). If the property is sold at foreclosure sale, under M.C.L. §600.3278 the borrower(s) will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.

Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.

Date: June 5, 2024

Northpointe Bank, a Michigan banking corporation

Shermeta, Kilpatrick & Associates, PLLC attorneys for Northpointe Bank, a Michigan banking corporation

P.O. Box 5016

Rochester, Mich. 48308-5016 (248) 519-1700

6-12, 6-19, 6-26, 7-3

Notice of Mortgage

Foreclosure Sale

This firm is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. A default has occurred in the conditions of a mortgage dated September 19, 2014, by MARC G. LUND, Mortgagor, of 1314 Lake Valley Drive, Fenton Michigan 48430, to The State Bank, of 175 N. Leroy St., Fenton, Michigan 48430-0725, bearing Loan number 5024028, and recorded in the Alcona County Register of Deeds on September 25, 2014, Instrument No. 201400003222 and at Liber 510, Page 496, which Mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice the sum of two hundred thirty-three thousand eight hundred fifteen and 07/100 dollars ($233,815.07) principal and six thousand three hundred seventy-nine and 38/100 dollars ($6,379.38) interest through May 31, 2024; no suit or proceeding at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt or any part of the debt, secured by said Mortgage and the power of sale contained in said Mortgage having become operative by reason of such default. Notice is hereby given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the Circuit Court for Alcona County, at 106 Fifth Street, PO Box 308, Harrisville, Michigan 48740, starting promptly at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the date of the sale. Placing the highest bid does not automatically convey free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information. If the property is sold, under section 3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. Situated in the Village of Spruce, County of Alcona, State of Michigan described as: Lots 14, 15, 23 and 24, Steinbaugh’s Hubbard Lake Subdivision, according to the recorded plat in Liber 1 of Plats, Page 147, Alcona County Records. Commonly Known As: 4523 N. Detroit Street, Spruce, MI 48762-9737 Tax Identification Number: 013-360-000-014-01 Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice. The redemption period shall be six (6) months from the date of such sale; provided, however, that in the event the property is determined to be abandoned pursuant to MCL 600.3241 (a), the property may be redeemed during the thirty (30) days immediately following such sale. The Mortgagor (borrower) will be responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage fore- closure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period. PREPARED BY: SMITH BOVILL, P.C. Dated: June 11, 2024 BY: /S/ ALEX C. BARRONS 200 St. Andrews Road Saginaw, MI 48603 (989) 792-9641.

6/19, 6/26, 7/3 & 7/10

Notice of Foreclosure

by Advertisement

Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Alcona County, starting promptly at 10 a.m., on July 10, 2024.

The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information:

Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Dakota Jackson, single man

Original mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for lender and lender’s successors and/or assigns

Foreclosing assignee (if any): M&T Bank. Date of mortgage: October 25, 2021. Date of mortgage recording: October 25, 2021. Amount claimed due on date of notice: $216,568.94.

Description of the mortgaged premises: Situated in Township of Caledonia, Alcona County, Michigan, and described as: The south 1/2 of the south 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Town 28 North, Range 6 East.

Common street address (if any): 3489 W. Hubbard Lake Trail, Hubbard Lake, Mich. 49747-9665.

The redemption period shall be six months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real property is used for agricultural purposes as defined by MCL 600.3240(16).

If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.

Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.

This notice is from a debt collector.

Date of notice: June 12, 2024

Trott Law, P.C.

31440 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 145

Farmington Hills, Mich. 48334

(248) 642-2515


6-12, 6-19, 6-26,7-3

Foreclosure Notice

(Alcona County)

Notice of Foreclosure

by Advertisement

Notice is given under section 3212 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them at a public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check at the place of holding the circuit court in Alcona County (at the west entrance to the Alcona County Building in Harrisville, Mich.), starting promptly at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Default has been made in the terms and conditions of the mortgage made by Michael Kim Anderson and Catherine Anderson, husband and wife, as original mortgagors, to the Huntington National Bank, a national banking association, as original mortgagee, dated July 28, 2021, and recorded on August 5, 2021, at the Alcona County, Michigan Register of Deeds, in Instrument No. 2021-00003144.

The amount claimed to be due on this mortgage, on the date of this notice, was $22,744.71. The amount due on the mortgage may be greater on the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale does not automatically entitle the purchaser to free and clear ownership of the property. A potential purchaser is encouraged to contact the county register of deeds office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge a fee for this information.

The description of the mortgaged premises is all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the Township of Hawes, in the County of Alcona and State of Michigan further described as follows: The south 1/2 of the east 1/2 of the west 1/2 of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of Section 29, Town 27 North, Range 8 East, including that certain mobile/manufactured home located thereon. Commonly known as: 927 E. Ritchie Rd., Lincoln, Mich. The redemption period shall be six months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be thirty (30) days from the date of such sale or when the time to provide the notice required by MCLA 600.3241a(c) expires, whichever is later or unless the redemption period is shortened in accordance with MCLA 600.3238.

If the property is sold at a foreclosure sale, under MCLA 600.3278, the borrower and mortgagor will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption period.

Attention homeowner: If you are a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has concluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclosing the mortgage at the telephone number stated in this notice.

Attention purchasers: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. Shaheen, Jacobs & Ross, P.C. is a debt collector attempting to collect this debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Dated: June 12, 2024

The Huntington National Bank, a national banking association. Mortgagee Shaheen, Jacobs & Ross, P.C.

Michael J. Thomas, Esq.

Attorney for Mortgagee

615 Griswold Street, Suite 1425 Detroit, Mich. 48226-3993

(313) 963-1301

6-19, 6-26, 7-3, 7-10

State of Michigan

Judicial District

23rd Judicial Circuit

Alcona County Probate

Order Regarding Alternative Service

Case No. 24-266-SP

Court address: 106 5th Street, P.O. Box 308

Harrisville, Mich. 48740

Phone: (989) 724-9410


Plaintiff - Christopher Clouse

3276 Dermott Road,

Glennie, Mich. 48737

David H. Cook, P40560

Plaintiff’s attorney

5466 M-72

Harrisville, Mich. 48740


Armando Fernandez and all of his heirs, legatees and assigns


The court finds: Service of process upon the defendant, Armando Fernandez, and all of his heirs, legatees and assigns, cannot reasonably be made as provided in MCR2.105, and service of process may be made in a manner that is reasonably calculated to give the defendant actual notice of proceedings and an opportunity to be heard.

It is ordered: Service of the summons and complaint and a copy of this order shall be made by the following method(s). Tacking or firmly affixing to the door at 4932 F-30, Glennie, Mich. 48737 and Publication in the Alcona County Review for three consecutive weeks.

Signed by: Judge Laura A. Frawley, P-39644 on June 6, 2024

6-19, 6-26, 7-3

State of Michigan

23rd Judicial Circuit

Alcona County

Publication and Notice

Of Friend of the Court

Annual Statutory Review

Public Notice

Annual Review of Performance Record of the Friend of the Court

Pursuant to Michigan law, the chief circuit judge annually reviews the performance record of the friend of the court. The review will be conducted on or about July 2, 2024. This review is limited by law to the following criteria: whether the friend of the court is guilty of misconduct, neglect of statutory duty, or failure to carry out the written orders of the court relative to a statutory duty; whether the purposes of the Friend of the Court Act are being met; and whether the duties of the friend of the court are being carried out in a manner that reflects the needs of the community. Member of the public may submit written comments to the chief judge relating to these criteria. Send your written comments, with your name and address, to Hon. Richard E. Vollbach, 120 North Grove Street, Standish, Mich. 48658.

We, Timothy Mesaros and Mary Mesaros, are bringing forth a Land Patent benefit for the following parcel located at 2693 Stevens Road, Michigan Republic, usA NON_DOMESTIC. Any party interested in viewing or challenging this claim can view the associated documents here: https://www.statenationalhelp.com/timothy-mesaros.

5-15, 5-22, 5-29, 6-5, 6-12, 6-19, 6-26, 7-3, 7-10




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